Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mary Maloney

This is some character development for a project that we once had with Aurore Damant. It was an adaptation of the short story "Lamb to the slaughter" by Roald Dahl.


XAV said...

d'où l'expression, en ceinte jusqu'aux yeux.

louis THOMAS said...

Juste un mot pour placer mon admiration pour ton travail^^.
en effet, tes recherches graphiques et ton travail sur "le gôuter"ont été les bases de ma motivation pour tenter de rentrer aux gobelins.(ce que je vais enfin pouvoir faire cette année.)
bonne continuation; tout cela est bien chouette!

tom said...

just found your the posters in the post below!

Marcos Mateu said...

Very graceful drawings! I love their sense of movement


Tom and marcos, thanks for your nice comments.

stivo said...

trop de leust !

J Chad Erekson said...

I love that story, I think it would make a great short

rngnt99 said...

Love this!!!! Very Hitchcock to me!!!! Awesome

Kyri Kyprianou said...

did anything come of this work? i'd love to see that...(big roald dahl fan!)

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Lorena M said...

I like how this blog post shows examples from your creative projects.